Monday, March 21, 2011

Samy Rabb for Finance Board Representative

What experience and qualifications do you have?

I am currently a Finance Board representative and I will bring experience and energy to the Finance Board in the year to follow. I have worked several jobs and I work very well with people. I also served as a First Year Ambassador in Student Organizations for Support and know many of the people in SGA and how each of the branches and divisions of the SGA work.

What is your platform? What do you hope to accomplish if you win?

If I win, I hope to accomplish more fairness and equality in Finance Board Allocations in order to fully optimize and use the money in the board to the best of my ability for the better outcome as a whole for the Students at UMBC.

What I really want students to know about me is….

I am very hard working and I put all my effort into tasks and jobs I receive. I am very well focused and will do my best to make sure that UMBC's students voices are heard and that our school will become more diverse in events and ensure that students will be able to receive school funding for events and trips for their student organizations. I am also very helpful and whenever anybody needs someone , I am always there.

Platform Summary:
  • Make UMBC's students Voices heard in the form of allocations of Events that will better UMBC as a whole.
  • Ensure that equality is granted in the form of diversity in events and opportunity to all organizations.
  • Better UMBC starting with its students, its organizations, and its events that make us, UMBC.