Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Alex Gaines for Senator

What experience and qualifications do you have?

I am a current senator, and I served as a First Year Ambassador for both the Finance Board and Senate last year, providing valuable insight to both myself and to the respective bodies I work with a lot of administrators that enables me to get things done. I have connections with all different types of people around campus. Worked throughout high school and college to organize and promote events I have also been to the STRiVE program that is run through the Office of Student Life, and worked on projects there to help UMBC.

What is your platform? What do you hope to accomplish if you win?

I want to continue working with administration and the student body to establish an effective 24hr study area in the Library that is much more usable and comfortable than the Atrium. Something has to be done about the fees. There is no reason that we should pay over $800 for an athletic fee, the highest in Maryland, for the equipment that is afforded to us, and the extremely limited social use of the RAC for concerts, among other things.

What I really want students to know about me is….

I am very open to new ideas and opinions, it is very easy to come talk to me, and I will try to give my honest opinion on whatever you ask. I am always available to talk, either in the Student Organizations Space or down on Market Street. If I cannot help you, I have a very good understanding of the organizational structure of SGA and can direct you to someone that can help.

Platform Summary:
  • Useful 24hr study space in the Library
  • work with administration for more transparency on where your tuition and fees end up
  • make the Senate more open and responsive to the concerns of the majority of the student population