Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Matthew McNey for President

(Running with Charles Mason III, candidate for Executive Vice President)

What experience and qualifications do you have?

I entered SGA as a First-Year Ambassador. In that same year, I became an SGA Senator serving on the extended library hours committee, eventually succeeding in persuading the presidential council to fund a pilot program during exam week. In my second year as Senator, I served on the Governmental Affairs Committee and helped steer SGA to create our first Legislative Agenda. In my third year returning as a Senator, I have served on the Dining Services Committee and pushed for extended hours on the weekend for all Dining Services. I have been in Greek Life as a member of Pi Kappa Phi since my second semester freshman year. I'm also the President of College Democrats, one of the few active political groups on campus. I hope my fourth year in SGA will be filled with challenges and I can continue to bring my unique enthusiasm, hope and experience once again to represent students.

What is your platform? What do you hope to accomplish if you win?

Communication, I think SGA has expanded ballooning with members. This has meant that internal communication among branches has faltered because the volume of initiatives is so vast they can not be effectively tracked. Change, our decisions should be made with all of us striving to in-cooperate all undergraduate students who are also considered members of the SGA. Openness, there has to be a dialogue between the student leaders and students that is always ongoing, not just when we need their opinion, we need to constantly focus on reaching out to the undergraduate community.

What I really want students to know about me is….

I'm a self-reliant hard worker, I'm straightforward and honest. I've made sure to never forget where I came from. With each new challenge I've had my successes, I've had my fair share of mistakes too, I've learned from them and will continue to improve myself to represent students.

Platform Summary:
  • Communication, SGA has expanded ballooning with members and internal communication has become paramount.
  • Change, our decisions should be made with all of us striving to in-cooperate all undergraduate students.
  • Openness, there has to be a dialogue between the student leaders and students that is always ongoing.